Source code for consolemenu.prompt_utils

import getpass

from collections import namedtuple
from consolemenu.validators.base import BaseValidator, InvalidValidator

InputResult = namedtuple("InputResult", "input_string validation_result")

[docs]class PromptFormatter(object): """ Class for formatting a text input prompt, to allow overriding the message as desired. Default answers will appear in [square brackets] and allow the user to return that answer by simply pressing the Enter button. If a 'Quit' option is desired, set `enable_quit` to True and provide a `quit_string` (default is 'q') and a `quit_message` (default is '(enter q to Quit)'). """
[docs] @staticmethod def format_prompt(prompt=None, default=None, enable_quit=False, quit_string='q', quit_message='(enter q to Quit)'): """ Format the message presented to the user during input prompting. Args: prompt (str): The message to ask the user. default (str, optional): The default answer if user does not provide explicit input. enable_quit (bool, optional): Flag to determine whether a Quit option will be presented. quit_string (str, optional): The string the user must input to quit (default is 'q'). quit_message (str, optional): The message to the user explaining how to Quit. Returns: str: The formatted prompt string. """ if prompt is None: return None prompt = prompt.rstrip() prompt = prompt.rstrip(':') if enable_quit: prompt = "{0} {1}".format(prompt, quit_message) if default: prompt = "{0} [{1}]".format(prompt, default) return "{0}: ".format(prompt)
[docs]class PromptUtils(object): """ Utility class with various routines for prompting for user input. """ def __init__(self, screen, prompt_formatter=None): """ Creates a new instance of ConsoleUtils with the specified console. If no console was specified, creates a new default console using the ConsoleFactory. Args: screen (:obj:`consolemenu.screen.Screen`): The Screen instance. prompt_formatter (:obj:`PromptFormatter`, optional): The instance of PromptFormatter for displaying the prompt. """ self.__screen = screen if prompt_formatter is None: prompt_formatter = PromptFormatter() self.__prompt_formatter = prompt_formatter @property def screen(self): """ :obj:`consolemenu.screen.Screen`: The Screen instance. """ return self.__screen
[docs] def clear(self): """ Clear the screen. """ self.__screen.clear()
[docs] def confirm_answer(self, answer, message=None): """ Prompts the user to confirm a question with a yes/no prompt. If no message is specified, the default message is: "You entered {}. Is this correct?" Args: answer (str): The answer to confirm. message (str, optional): Optional message if a different confirmation prompt is desired. Returns: bool: True if the user confirmed Yes, or False if user specified No. """ if message is None: message = "\nYou entered {0}. Is this correct?".format(answer) return self.prompt_for_yes_or_no(message)
[docs] def enter_to_continue(self, message=None): """ A console prompt to ask the user to 'Press [Enter] to continue'. Args: message (str, optional): A message to display in place of the default. """ if message: message = message.rstrip() + ' ' else: message = 'Press [Enter] to continue ' self.__screen.input(message)
[docs] def input(self, prompt=None, default=None, validators=None, enable_quit=False, quit_string='q', quit_message='(enter q to Quit)'): """ Generic prompt the user for input. Args: prompt (str): The message to prompt the user. default (str, optional): The default value to suggest as an answer. validators (:obj:`BaseValidator`, optional): The list of validators to perform input validation. enable_quit (bool, optional): Specifies whether the user can cancel out of the input prompt. quit_string (str, optional): The string which the user must input in order to quit. quit_message (str, optional): The message to explain how to quit. Returns: InputResult: an InputResult tuple. """ prompt = self.__prompt_formatter.format_prompt(prompt=prompt, default=default, enable_quit=enable_quit, quit_string=quit_string, quit_message=quit_message) input_string = self.__screen.input(prompt=prompt) if enable_quit and quit_string == input_string: raise UserQuit if default is not None and input_string.strip() == '': input_string = default validation_result = self.validate_input(input_string, validators) return InputResult(input_string=input_string, validation_result=validation_result)
[docs] def input_password(self, message=None): """ Prompt the user for a password or other confidential data. This is equivalent to the input() method, but does not echo inputted characters to the screen. Args: message (str): The prompt message. Returns: str: The password provided by the user. """ message = self.__prompt_formatter.format_prompt(message) try: if message: return getpass.getpass(message) else: return getpass.getpass() except BaseException: self.__screen.println('Warning: Unable to mask input; characters will be echoed to console') return self.input(message)
[docs] def printf(self, *args): """ Prints the specified arguments to the screen. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. """ self.__screen.printf(*args)
[docs] def println(self, *args): """ Prints the specified arguments to the screen, followed by a newline character. Args: *args: Variable length argument list. """ self.__screen.println(*args)
[docs] def prompt_and_confirm_password(self, message): """ Prompt for a password using the given message, then prompt a second time for a confirmation password, and verify both provided passwords match. If the passwords do not match, an error is displayed, "Passwords do not match", and the user must input both passwords again. Args: message (str): The prompt message. Returns: str: The password. """ while True: pwd = self.input_password(message) cpwd = self.input_password("Confirm password") if pwd == cpwd: return pwd else: self.__screen.println("Passwords do not match.")
[docs] def prompt_for_bilateral_choice(self, prompt, option1, option2): """ Prompt the user for a response that must be one of the two supplied choices. NOTE: The user input verification is case-insensitive, but will return the original case provided by the given options. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to present the choices to the user. option1 (str): The first option. option2 (str): The second option. Returns: str: The choice selected by the user. """ if prompt is None: prompt = '' prompt = prompt.rstrip() + ' (' + option1 + '/' + option2 + ')' while True: user_input = self.__screen.input(prompt) if str(user_input).lower() == option1.lower(): return option1 elif str(user_input).lower() == option2.lower(): return option2
[docs] def prompt_for_trilateral_choice(self, prompt, option1, option2, option3): """ Prompt the user for a response that must be one of the three supplied choices. NOTE: The user input verification is case-insensitive, but will return the original case provided by the given options. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to present the choices to the user. option1 (str): The first option. option2 (str): The second option. option3 (str): The third option. Returns: str: The choice selected by the user. """ if prompt is None: prompt = '' prompt = prompt.rstrip() + ' (' + option1 + '/' + option2 + '/' + option3 + ')' while True: user_input = self.__screen.input(prompt) if str(user_input).lower() == option1.lower(): return option1 elif str(user_input).lower() == option2.lower(): return option2 elif str(user_input).lower() == option3.lower(): return option3
[docs] def prompt_for_yes_or_no(self, prompt): """ Prompts the user with the specified question, and expects a yes (y) or no (n) response, returning a boolean value representing the user's answer. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to display to the user. Returns: bool: True for yes, False for no. """ user_input = self.prompt_for_bilateral_choice(prompt, 'y', 'n') return user_input == 'y'
[docs] def prompt_for_numbered_choice(self, choices, title=None, prompt=">"): """ Displays a numbered vertical list of choices from the provided list of strings. Args: choices (:obj:`list` of :obj:`str`): The list of choices to display. title (str, optional): Optional title to display above the numbered list. prompt (str): The prompt string. Default is ">". Returns: int: The index of selected choice. """ if choices is None or len(choices) < 1: raise Exception('choices list must contain at least one element.') while True: self.clear() if title: self.screen.println(title + "\n") for i in range(0, len(choices)): print(' {:<4}{choice}'.format(str(i + 1) + ') ', choice=choices[i])) answer = self.screen.input('\n{} '.format(prompt)) try: index = int(answer) - 1 if 0 <= index < len(choices): return index except Exception as e: continue
[docs] def validate_input(self, input_string, validators): """ Validate the given input string against the specified list of validators. Args: input_string (str): The input string to verify. validators (:obj:`list` of :obj:`BaseValidator`): The list of validators. Returns: bool: The validation result. True if the input is valid; False otherwise. Raises: InvalidValidator: If the list of validators contains an invalid BaseValidator class. """ validation_result = True if isinstance(validators, BaseValidator): validators = [validators] elif validators is None: validators = [] if isinstance(validators, list): validation_results = [] for validator in validators: if isinstance(validator, BaseValidator): validation_results.append(validator.validate(input_string=input_string)) else: raise InvalidValidator("Validator {} is not a valid validator".format(validator)) validation_result = all(validation_results) else: raise InvalidValidator("Validator {} is not a valid validator".format(validators)) return validation_result
[docs]class UserQuit(Exception): """ Exception raised when a user chooses to Quit from an input prompt. """ pass