Source code for consolemenu.console_menu

from __future__ import print_function

import platform
import threading

import os

from consolemenu.menu_formatter import MenuFormatBuilder
from consolemenu.screen import Screen

[docs]class ConsoleMenu(object): """ A class that displays a menu and allows the user to select an option. Args: title (str): The title of the menu, or a method reference that returns a string. subtitle (str): The subtitle of the menu, or a method reference that returns a string. screen (:obj:`consolemenu.screen.Screen`): The screen object associated with this menu. formatter (:obj:`MenuFormatBuilder`): The MenuFormatBuilder instance used to format this menu. prologue_text (str): Text or method reference to include in the "prologue" section of the menu. epilogue_text (str): Text or method reference to include in the "epilogue" section of the menu. show_exit_option (bool): Specifies whether this menu should show an exit item by default. Defaults to True. Can be overridden when the menu is started. exit_option_text (str): Text for the Exit menu item. Defaults to 'Exit'. exit_menu_char (str): Character to use for exiting the menu. Defaults to None. clear_screen (bool): Set to False to disable clearing of screen between menus Attributes: cls.currently_active_menu (:obj:`ConsoleMenu`): Class variable that holds the currently active menu or None if no menu is currently active (e.g. when switching between menus) items (:obj:`list` of :obj:`MenuItem`): The list of MenuItems that the menu will display parent (:obj:`ConsoleMenu`): The parent of this menu previous_active_menu (:obj:`ConsoleMenu`): the previously active menu to be restored into the class's currently active menu current_option (int): The currently highlighted menu option selected_option (int): The option that the user has most recently selected """ currently_active_menu = None def __init__(self, title=None, subtitle=None, screen=None, formatter=None, prologue_text=None, epilogue_text=None, clear_screen=True, show_exit_option=True, exit_option_text='Exit', exit_menu_char=None): if screen is None: screen = Screen() self.screen = screen self.clear_screen_before_render = clear_screen if formatter is None: formatter = MenuFormatBuilder() self.formatter = formatter self.title = title self.subtitle = subtitle self.prologue_text = prologue_text self.epilogue_text = epilogue_text self.highlight = None self.normal = None self.show_exit_option = show_exit_option self.items = list() self.parent = None self.exit_item = ExitItem(menu=self, text=exit_option_text, menu_char=exit_menu_char) self.current_option = 0 self.selected_option = -1 self.returned_value = None self.should_exit = False self.previous_active_menu = None self._main_thread = None self._running = threading.Event() def __repr__(self): return "%s: %s. %d items" % (self.get_title(), self.get_subtitle(), len(self.items)) @property def current_item(self): """ :obj:`consolemenu.items.MenuItem`: The item corresponding to the menu option that is currently highlighted, or None. """ if self.items: return self.items[self.current_option] else: return None @property def selected_item(self): """ :obj:`consolemenu.items.MenuItem`: The item in :attr:`items` that the user most recently selected, or None. """ if self.items and self.selected_option != -1: return self.items[self.current_option] else: return None
[docs] def append_item(self, item): """ Add an item to the end of the menu before the exit item. Args: item (MenuItem): The item to be added. """ did_remove = self.remove_exit() = self self.items.append(item) if did_remove: self.add_exit()
def remove_item(self, item): """ Remove the specified item from the menu. Args: item (MenuItem): the item to be removed. Returns: bool: True if the item was removed; False otherwise. """ for idx, _item in enumerate(self.items): if item == _item: del self.items[idx] return True return False
[docs] def add_exit(self): """ Add the exit item if necessary. Used to make sure there aren't multiple exit items. Returns: bool: True if item needed to be added, False otherwise. """ if not self.items or self.items[-1] is not self.exit_item: self.items.append(self.exit_item) return True return False
[docs] def remove_exit(self): """ Remove the exit item if necessary. Used to make sure we only remove the exit item, not something else. Returns: bool: True if item needed to be removed, False otherwise. """ if self.items: if self.items[-1] is self.exit_item: del self.items[-1] return True return False
def is_selected_item_exit(self): """ Checks to determine if the currently selected item is the Exit Menu item. Returns: bool: True if the currently selected item is the Exit Menu item; False otherwise. """ return self.selected_item and self.selected_item is self.exit_item def _wrap_start(self): self._main_loop() ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu = None self.clear_screen() ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu = self.previous_active_menu
[docs] def start(self, show_exit_option=None): """ Start the menu in a new thread and allow the user to interact with it. The thread is a daemon, so :meth:`join()<consolemenu.ConsoleMenu.join>` should be called if there's a possibility that the main thread will exit before the menu is done Args: show_exit_option (bool): Specify whether the exit item should be shown, defaults to the value set in the constructor """ self.previous_active_menu = ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu = None self.should_exit = False if show_exit_option is None: show_exit_option = self.show_exit_option if show_exit_option: self.add_exit() else: self.remove_exit() try: self._main_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._wrap_start, daemon=True) except TypeError: self._main_thread = threading.Thread(target=self._wrap_start) self._main_thread.daemon = True self._main_thread.start()
[docs] def show(self, show_exit_option=None): """ Calls start and then immediately joins. Args: show_exit_option (bool): Specify whether the exit item should be shown, defaults to the value set in the constructor """ self.start(show_exit_option) self.join()
def _main_loop(self): self._set_up_colors() ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu = self self._running.set() while self._running.wait() is not False and not self.should_exit: self.clear_screen() self.draw() self.process_user_input()
[docs] def draw(self): """ Refresh the screen and redraw the menu. Should be called whenever something changes that needs to be redrawn. """ self.screen.printf(self.formatter.format(title=self.get_title(), subtitle=self.get_subtitle(), items=self.items, prologue_text=self.get_prologue_text(), epilogue_text=self.get_epilogue_text()))
[docs] def is_running(self): """ Check if the menu has been started and is not paused. Returns: bool: True if the menu is started and hasn't been paused; False otherwise. """ return self._running.is_set()
[docs] def wait_for_start(self, timeout=None): """ Block until the menu is started. Args: timeout: How long to wait before timing out. Returns: bool: False if timeout is given and operation times out, True otherwise. None before Python 2.7. """ return self._running.wait(timeout)
[docs] def is_alive(self): """ Check whether the thread is stil alive. Returns: bool: True if the thread is still alive; False otherwise. """ return self._main_thread.is_alive()
[docs] def pause(self): """ Temporarily pause the menu until resume is called. """ self._running.clear()
[docs] def resume(self): """ Sets the currently active menu to this one and resumes it. """ ConsoleMenu.currently_active_menu = self self._running.set()
[docs] def join(self, timeout=None): """ Should be called at some point after :meth:`start()<consolemenu.ConsoleMenu.start>` to block until the menu exits. Args: timeout (Number): How long to wait before timing out. """ self._main_thread.join(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def get_input(self): """ Can be overridden to change the input method. Called in :meth:`process_user_input()<consolemenu.ConsoleMenu.process_user_input>` :return: the ordinal value of a single character :rtype: int """ return self.screen.input()
[docs] def process_user_input(self): """ Gets the next single character and decides what to do with it """ try: user_input = self.get_input() except EOFError: self.should_exit = True return # Process menu characters first for i, cm in enumerate(self.items): if cm.menu_char == user_input: self.current_option = i return user_input try: num = int(user_input) except Exception: return if 0 < num < len(self.items) + 1: self.current_option = num - 1 return user_input
[docs] def go_to(self, option): """ Go to the option entered by the user as a number :param option: the option to go to :type option: int """ self.current_option = option self.draw()
[docs] def go_down(self): """ Go down one, wrap to beginning if necessary """ if self.current_option < len(self.items) - 1: self.current_option += 1 else: self.current_option = 0 self.draw()
[docs] def go_up(self): """ Go up one, wrap to end if necessary """ if self.current_option > 0: self.current_option += -1 else: self.current_option = len(self.items) - 1 self.draw()
[docs] def select(self): """ Select the current item and run it """ self.selected_option = self.current_option self.selected_item.set_up() self.selected_item.action() self.selected_item.clean_up() self.returned_value = self.selected_item.get_return() self.should_exit = self.selected_item.should_exit
[docs] def exit(self): """ Signal the menu to exit, then block until it's done cleaning up """ self.should_exit = True self.join()
def _set_up_colors(self): # TODO add color support # curses.init_pair(1, curses.COLOR_BLACK, curses.COLOR_WHITE) # self.highlight = curses.color_pair(1) # self.normal = curses.A_NORMAL pass def clear_screen(self): """ Clear the screen belonging to this menu """ if self.clear_screen_before_render: self.screen.clear() # Getters to get text in case method reference def get_title(self): return self.title() if callable(self.title) else self.title def get_subtitle(self): return self.subtitle() if callable(self.subtitle) else self.subtitle def get_prologue_text(self): return self.prologue_text() if callable(self.prologue_text) else self.prologue_text def get_epilogue_text(self): return self.epilogue_text() if callable(self.epilogue_text) else self.epilogue_text
[docs]class ExitItem(MenuItem): """ Used to exit the current menu. Handled by :class:`consolemenu.ConsoleMenu` """ def __init__(self, text="Exit", menu=None, menu_char=None): super(ExitItem, self).__init__(text=text, menu=menu, should_exit=True, menu_char=menu_char)
[docs] def show(self, index, available_width=None): """ ExitItem overrides this method to display appropriate Exit or Return text. """ # If we have a parent menu, and no overriding exit text was specified, # change Exit text to "Return to {Parent Menu Title}" if and and self.get_text() == 'Exit': self.text = "Return to %s" % return super(ExitItem, self).show(index)
[docs]def clear_terminal(): """ Call the platform specific function to clear the terminal: cls on windows, reset otherwise """ if platform.system().lower() == "windows": os.system('cls') else: os.system('reset')